CJC Reach Cambridge’s Blog!

Homepage August 2, 2008

To facilitate greater enrichment and learning beyond the classroom and textbook, twenty-four students, each chosen for their proficiency in a given subject, were invited for a fortnight-long stay in Cambridge University to attend lectures on their respective subjects, in a program otherwise known as REACH Cambridge. Not only will they be exposed to their specific field of study in greater depth and detail, but likewise experience the rich and celebrated history and culture of England. This year’s batch, made up of students from Literature, History, Geography and Biotechnology, hope that through this trip they will gain greater insight into their own subjects, as well as a well-rounded understanding encouraged by interaction with other students from around the globe. We sincerely thank Brother Paul, Catholic Junior College and all our subject tutors for giving us this brilliant opportunity to be able to participate in this program.

Read all our posts here!


2 Responses to “Homepage”

  1. Sherrie :] Says:

    Harow people!
    itz 9.10pm here but 3.10pm back hm..we’re reeeeeally tired now but here we are in the computer room trying to beat jet lag.haha our day’s been more than 24hrz long nw & we had such an incredible time here.The entire trip was real smooth and the people here are nice.very nice.hee.oh yeah we gaped at our ‘harry potter-ish’hostel,took a trip down to the town centre, played captains ball in the open field and drizzle and got to know our international friends.lessons start in less than 12 hours time..see you in school then! (left a comment here instead cos i had probs logging in btw.heh)

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